Education & Research
Dr. Ben Thomson is a distinguished nephrologist and internal medicine physician with a robust background in both medical education and clinical research. His academic journey has been marked by excellence in post-graduate education, numerous awards, and influential contributions to medical research, particularly in the areas of nephrology and public health.
Post-Graduate Education
Western University
July 2012 – June 2015
- Completed Master’s in Medical Biophysics (Dean’s List)
- Published critical references in nephrology and served as creator and course advisor for “Physicians as Leaders”
- As Chief Nephrology Fellow, developed an academic half-day curriculum, renal physiology course, and a lecture evaluation system.
Western University
July 2010 – June 2012
- Engaged in extensive research, publication, and leadership roles in nephrology.
University of Calgary
July 2007 – June 2010
- Awarded Top Senior Resident at Rockyview Hospital (2008-2009) and received the Model of Professionalism award in 2009.
Academic Awards
Dr. Thomson has consistently been recognized for his academic achievements, including:
Dean’s List, Master of Science (Medical Biophysics)
Western University
Dean’s List
Western University
Multiple Years
First Class Honours
National University of Ireland (Cork) Medical School
Professional Awards
Dr. Thomson’s commitment to clinical excellence and education has earned him several prestigious awards, including:
Queen’s University Department of Medicine Exceptional Service Award
Kingston Exceptional Healer Award
2018, 2019
Queen’s University Mentor of the Year Award
KHSC Program of the Year – Home Therapies
Medical Director
ORN Program Improvement Award
Medical Director
Western University Top Faculty Teaching Award
2014, 2015
Committee Service
Dr. Thomson has served on numerous committees that shape the landscape of nephrology, public health, and medical education:
Ontario Renal Network Home Dialysis Research Committee
2018 – Present
Association of Palestinian Canadian Physicians
Creator and Head
2018 – 2019
Global Health Curriculum Committee
Queen’s University
2018 – 2019
CBME Accreditation Committee
Nephrology and Internal Medicine, Queen’s University
2017 – 2019
Residency Program Committees
Nephrology and Internal Medicine, Queen’s University
2015 – 2019
Ministry of Health Long-Term Care Home Therapies Panel
2017 – 2018
In Preparation
Qaqoor A, Haddara W, Thomson B. Critical Care Physicians’ Burnout in Palestine: The role of traditional and political risk factors. To be submitted to the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. STAGE: Research completed, data analysis ongoing.
Forrester A, Thomson B. Role of Kidney-CAP in patient and health care provider decisions regarding vascular access, home dialysis modalities, and kidney transplantation: A Mixed-Methods study. To be submitted to the Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. STAGE: study ongoing (data analysis ongoing)
Iqbal A, Othman I, Khan S, Thomson B. The fate of medical education during genocide: Case study in Gaza. Submitted for review to: The Lancet
Luckyk V, Thomson B. Impact of genocide on nephrology care: Case study in Gaza. To be submitted for review to: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.
Forster A, Rehman A, Thomson BK. The Kidney-CAP: A Novel Device in the Management of Bleeding in Intermittent Hemodialysis Patients: FR-PO531. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2024; 35 (10S): 10.1681
Forrester A, Sabur N, Iqbal A, Vaughan S, Thomson B. Glomerulonephritis during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: scoping review. BMC Nephrology 2024; 25(1): 285
Thomson B, Mehta S, Burnham G. Scoping review and thematic analysis of informed consent in humanitarian emergencies. BMC-Medical Ethics (In Press) 2024
Iqbal A, Khan A, Thomson B. The Uncertain fate of patients needing life-saving dialysis treatment in Gaza. The Conversation 2024 (Feb 5). Available at:
Milosevic E, Forrester A, Moist L, Rehman F, Thomson B. Non-surgical interventions to control bleeding from arteriovenous fistulas and grafts inside and outside the hemodialysis unit: a scoping review. Clinical Kidney Journal 2024 (May); 17(5): sfae089.
Sidor N, Velenosi T, Lajoie G, Filler G, House A, Weir M, Thomson BKA, Garg A, Renaud J, McDowell T, Knauer M, Tirona R, Noble R, Selby N, Taal M, Urquhart B. Investigation of N,N,N-trimethyl-L-alanyl-L-proline betaine (TMAP) as a biomarker of kidney function. ACS Omega- accepted online first, March 1 (2023).
Thomson BKA, O’Halloran H, Wu L, Gauthier S, Taylor D. Transition to Practice Curriculum for General Internal Medicine Physicians: Scoping Review and Canadian National Survey. BMC-Medical Education 2022
Thomson BKA, Vaughan S, Momciu B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients: A scoping review. Nephrology 2022; (27(2): 133-144
Thomson BKA, Pilkey NG, Monteith B, Holden RM. A Scoping Review of Alternative Anticoagulation Strategies for Hemodialysis Patients with a Mechanical Heart valve. Am J Nephrol 2021: 52(10-11): 861-870.
Ovtcharenko N, Thomson B. Interventions to Improve Clinical Outcomes in Indigenous or Remote Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Scoping Review. Can J Kidney Health Dis. 2019; 6: 1-13.
Hunter KA, Thomson B. A Scoping Review of Social Determinants of Health Curricula in Post-Graduate Medical Education. Can Med Educ J 2019; 10(3); e61-e71.
Velenosi TJ, Thomson BKA, Tonial NC, RaoPeters AAE, Mio MA, Lajoie GA, et al. Untargeted metabolomics reveals N, N, N-trimethyl-L-alanyl-L-proline betaine (TMAP) as a novel biomarker of kidney function. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):6831. Can J
Wijeratne DT, Srivastava S, Chan B, Hopman W, Thomson B. Sustainability of physical exam skills in a resident-led curriculum in a large internal medicine program with competency based medical education. Can Med Educ J. 2018;9(4):e78-e92.
Veltri NL, Hladunewich M, Bhasin A, Garland J, Thomson B. De novo antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis in pregnancy: a systematic review on maternal, pregnancy and fetal outcomes. Clin Kidney J. 2018;11(5):659-66.
Thomson BKA. Should Canadian medical schools have trainees funded by Saudi Arabia? CMAJ. 2018;190(50):E1485.
Boukhari B, Morton AR, Thomson BKA, Shamseddin MK.. Enhancing Internal Medicine Trainees Nephrology Competency: Queen’s Nephrology E-learning using WhatsApp (Q-new) Study. Internal Medicine. 2017;7(4):249.
Shamseddin K, Thomson B. Enhancing Internal Medicine Residents’ Royal College Exam Competency Using In-Training Written Exams within a Competency Based Medical Education Framework. Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2017;12(1).
Thomson BKA, Lindsay RML. Clinical effects of personalized dialysate sodium in conventional, quotidian and nocturnal hemodialysis patients: A randomized crossover trial. . Journal of Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. 2017;2(39):1-8.
Thomson BKA, Lindsay RML. Effect of Personalized Dialysate Sodium Prescription on Plasma Sodium Concentration and Sodium Setpoint in Conventional, Quotidian and Nocturnal Hemodialysis. Journal of Nephrology and Therapeutics. 2017;7(3).
Thomson BK, Nolin TD, Velenosi TJ, Feere DA, Knauer MJ, Asher LJ, et al. Effect of CKD and dialysis modality on exposure to drugs cleared by nonrenal mechanisms. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(4):574-82.
Thomson BK, Huang SH, Lindsay RM. The choice of dialysate sodium is influenced by hemodialysis frequency and duration: what should it be and for what modality? Semin Dial. 2015;28(2):180-5.
Huang SH, Tirona RG, Reid-Wilkinson F, Thomson BK, Filler G, Stodilka R, et al. The kinetics of cystatin C removal by hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(1):174-5.
Thomson BK, Huang SH, Chan C, Urquhart B, Skanes A, Lindsay RM. Nocturnal home hemodialysis associates with improvement of electrocardiographic features linked to sudden cardiac death. ASAIO J. 2014;60(1):99-105.
Thomson B, Joseph G, Clark WF, Hladunewich M, Patel A, Blake P, et al. Maternal, pregnancy and fetal outcomes in de novo anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody disease in pregnancy: a systematic review. Clin Kidney J. 2014;7(5):450-6.
Marek C, Thomson B, Shoker A, Luke PP, Moser MA. The prognostic value of time needed on dialysis in patients with delayed graft function. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014;29(1):203-8.
Huang SH, Shah S, Thomson BK, Laporte S, Filler G, Lindsay RM. What is single needle cannulation hemodialysis: is it adequate? Blood Purif. 2014;38(1):13-7.
Journal Review
Since 2020, I have reviewed manuscripts for: Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN), Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease (CJKHD), Clinical
Kidney Journal (CKJ), Annals of Internal Medicine, the Canadian Journal of Medical Education (CJME), Peritoneal Dialysis International (PDI), Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, BMCNephrology